The messiah in religions

The concept of a messiah is present in many religions around the world, and is often associated with the idea of a savior who is to come to bring peace and justice on earth. However, whether there will be one messiah for all religions is a matter of debate among believers. In the Christian tradition, …

Buddha Maitreya

Buddha Maitreya is an important figure in Buddhism, who is considered the future Buddha, or the next Buddha to come into the world. Maitreya means “loving-kindness” or “loving friend” in Sanskrit, and is a name that represents kindness and compassion. According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya Buddha is believed to come after Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder …


Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed in Asia about 2,500 years ago, founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. The Buddha sought to understand the nature of human suffering and to find a path to freedom from that suffering. Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths, which explain that suffering …